
Capoeira Angola Classes

Monday       7 – 8.30pm  Webb Street Dance Studio – 22 Webb St.

Thursday 6 – 7.30pm Thistle Hall – Corner of Cuba and Arthur Streets


$20 per class

$130 for 8 class card

Bank Details

Account name: Semente Capoeira
Account number:38-9002-0596005-06


Monthly Traditional Capoeira Angola Roda is usually on the first Saturday of the month. Stay tuned for info of time and place.

For more information Contact Bobby on 0276961708



Training in Wellington

Capoeira Angola is an Afro Brazilian martial art which is practiced to music and percussion. Historically it has been a powerful instrument of resistance and expression, both physically and mentally ….. going back to colonial Brazil and the times of slavery.

Come try out a class and get to know our school.

You will learn movements of escape, attack and acrobatics that will enable you to play the game of Capoeira, developing your physical agility, balance and awareness.

Drawing from a rich history and philosophy, the art of Capoeira teaches cunning and self-control, respect for others and the value of building community in the process of training oneself.


Bobby Semau and Yan Agate are responsible for leading the Wellington group and teaching classes under the guidance of Mestre Jogo de Dentro

Mestre Jogo de Dentro

Mestre Jogo de Dentro with Mestre João Pequeno

Mestre Jogo de Dentro, born Jorge Egidio dos Santos, first started Capoeira in 1982 at the fort of Santo Antonio in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. There he studied in Mestre João Pequeno’s academy known as the Centro Esportiva de Capoeira Angola.
After a year of training he received the nickname ‘Jogo de Dentro’ (inside game) from Mestre João Grande, due to his style of playing Capoeira.

In 1986 Mestre João Pequeno gave him the responsibility of teaching classes and leading the rodas during his absence. In 1990 he gave him the title of Contra Mestre as recognition for his dedication and his work with Capoeira Angola. He soon started teaching a group of students and the group he led got the name “Heranca de Pastinha” (Pastinha’s heritage). After some time this developed into the name “Semente do jogo de Angola” (seed of the Angola game).
He was awarded the title of Mestre in 1994 and in 1996 he left Bahia to the state of São Paulo to continue expanding his work with Capoeira Angola. He stayed there for 12 years teaching and cultivating responsible students who carry on his work there to this day.
In 2007 he returned to live in Salvador and continue his work with a group he started many years before in the neighborhood of Calafate, using Capoeira Angola as a tool for empowerment for the local children.

A few years later he settled in Caixa Pregos on the island of Itaparica near Salvador where he has constructed a beautiful space dedicated to his work with Capoeira. These days he holds events and workshops there as well as frequent travels abroad, teaching and promoting Capoeira Angola. Caring deeply for Capoeira Angola’s roots and traditions, he emphasizes not only the techniques but also the history of Capoeira, recognizing the painful past of those who have carried these traditions to this day. Known and respected around the world, he is a remarkable person and like Mestre João Pequeno, he is dedicated to the survival of his art through his students.

Grupo de Capoeira Semente do Jogo de Angola

Mestre Jogo de Dentro officially founded the group in 1990 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. His aim was to preserve and promote the tradition of Capoeira Angola as it was taught to him by Mestre João Pequeno.
Since then the group has expanded to other regions of Brazil such as Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and later to several countries around the world such as Canada, Italy, Israel, Colombia, Japan and New Zealand. Mestre regularly visits these places to teach and help evolve their work with Capoeira Angola.

The group’s headquarters are based at Caixa Pregos on the island of Itaparica near Salvador, Brazil.

Caixa Pregos …….. na beira do mar
